Thursday, May 14, 2009

Serpents From Heaven

I think that everyone has heard of the theory that the earth will end in 2012.  There are many theories on how, but the most popular is the idea that an asteroid or comet collision will destroy our home.  There is evidence that there is a tenth body that orbits our sun (the eight planets, Pluto and Planet X).  Planet X is supposed to have a wide elliptical orbit that helps explain the variance in earth and the other planet’s orbits.  This is very similar to the type of orbits that comets have.  The theory is that this Planet X will destroy earth.  So, what does this have to do with religion?


In what is now modern day Iraq, there was a plethora of tablets dug up that are thought o be the oldest scriptures.  There is one that has a chilling message of a great flood that will end earth.  One tablet has a detailed star map that includes a tenth planet known a Nibiru between mars and Jupiter.  The writings tell us that the information came from the Annunaki, (aliens).  These are reptile like creatures that came to earth from planet X or Nibiru.  They came to earth to mine material for their planet and created more men for slaves.  This idea that fiery reptile like creatures from the sky created man is not foreign to many cultures.  In Japan emperors are descendants from dragon gods.  Australian natives have in their stories a reptilian race that rules humans.  China has the teachings of a serpent queen interbreeding with man.  Some of the Middle Eastern cultures believe that a serpent race created man.  The Mayans teach that their people are decedents of the serpent.  There are many other examples but here are just a few.


This is evidence of many religions coming together over a vast amount of cultures just as the belief in the god of Israel came to the Ethiopians.


If you want to watch more here is the video where I got all of my info.  I checked the sites the creator of this video gave at the end and they seem pretty legitimate.

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