The story of the Queen of Sheba and her only son Menyelek, is the story of how Christianity came to the nation of Ethiopia. A merchant of the Queen of Sheba by the name of Tamarin was selling his goods in Jerusalem and came to hear of King Solomon. He heard his wisdom and knowledge and became enthralled with the king. He traded with the king and eventually returned to Ethiopia. He told the Queen everything and she was taken by the description. She finally made her way to the city of Jerusalem and bade the king a visit. He told her of his god of the universe and was so overwhelmed that she wished to take this belief back to her own country. Then, after king Solomon tricks the Queen to sleep with him, she returns home and bares his son. The Queen preaches the belief in the God of Israel and leads here people until her son traveled to meet Solomon his father. And that is how Christianity came to be in the Ethiopian nation.
Before hearing this story I have a very different view of Ethiopia. Being the ignorant American that I am I just thought if it as a poor third world country in Africa. This makes me realize that there is some rich history there if the scriptures of the Christian religion have it within the texts. But, it also brings me to some scrutiny. It seems that this is a made up story to make the people of Ethiopia to believe. They had their own religion earlier that worked just fine for then as they had a powerful civilization under the rule of the Queen of Sheba. Also, the part of the story where King Solomon tricks here adds to more of the dark side of this story. Something just doesn’t seem right to me about this scripture.
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