Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Creating a Religion

Check out this site on how to create your own religion in 10 easy steps (kind of funny).


Here is my own religion using these 10 easy steps:


1) Create a God or gods:


The one God that everyone will follow is known as the God Spenderon.  It has “spend” in the name to symbolize our consumerism and the “eron” makes him sound powerful like Megatron form transformers.


2) Make the God in charge of something people already focus on:


The God Spenderon is in charge of how everyone spends their money and obtains riches.


3) Make people think of it frequently:


This is easy, for in America we are a consumerist society.  We just have to instill the same systems everywhere else.  Basically make the whole world the same capitalist country that we are.


4) Make it easy to buy into this faith:


Install the idea that every time one spends money, especially excess money on useless goods, that they are paying (pun intended) homage to the God Spenderon.


5) Make it Ambiguous:


The God Spenderon doesn’t need your money, but wants you to spend it.  He, being a God wants everyone to be like him so that they have everything and never need to spend again.  This of course is impossible but possible at the same time, because Spenderon has great power.


6) Establish standards on how God should be referred to:


People must call their God The Merchant Spenderon. It must always be capitalized, for in all monotheistic religions, God is capitalized. And, you must use a Dollar sign for the ‘S’ in Spenderon when writing the name.


7) Make some symbols.


The main symbol for the religion of spending will obviously be the dollar sign.  This will be strange to other countries that do not use U.S. currency, but one we make the world like our society everyone will buy in and it will all make sense.  The cent sign will be used for the “devil” of this religion for it is such little money and always annoying to find pennies and nickels to pay off the last part of your good that you are buying.


8) Create an opposing force;


The opposing force will be known as The Caring Conserverous.  People know how hard it is to conserve, but never want to.  It is always in the back of people’s minds (just like the evil devil) to conserve, but if they believe in my religion they can overcome these urges.  The cent symbol symbolizes the little amount of money that could be spent.  The Caring Conserverous wants everyone to not spend money.


9) Create story of how things came to be:


I need to create a story of how this religion came to be.  During the time of great civilizations, the invention of money was brought to the table.  With this people became greedy and created a consumerist mindset.  In doing so all the minds of people forged the God Spenderon, in the fires of coin making.  The God Conserverous had been around before the invention of money to help people store enough food for the winters.  One day these two met and became good friends. They understood that they needed to live in balance so that humanity could survive.  However, because greedy people crated Spenderon he was also greedy and wanted to take control.  First, he created extremely greedy kings and leaders, so that people would start to follow their mindsets.  He induced the industrial revolution, which made money a powerful thing.  Now people were spending more that ever.  However, the Caring Conserverous retaliated with the Great Depression.  But people persevered and came back to the spending ways.  These two gods influence the economy.  All the spikes are due to Spenderon and all the dips are due to Conserverous.  So now choose which side you want to worship.


10) The big reward:


When everyone dies and goes to Millien (heaven), they are judged. Just like many other religions.  However, they can only get in if they have bought enough items to make them worthy.  If you have spent enough money to make you way into Millien, you are reincarnated so that you can spend more money.  However, if you haven’t, they you are banished to Debtell (hell) to suffer forever without spending money, because you have none.


So there you have it SPREAD THE WORD!!





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