Religion gives people hope. Believing in a certain Religion, gives people the idea that there is life after death and because of this there is nothing to fear. Be it heaven or hell, no one every really dies and fades to black. Or is there nothing out there and we all just do fade to black when we pass? Let’s go with the thought of reincarnation.
This site has many stories of people who, through dreams or acid trips, have had visions of their past life. Some very interesting stuff and I would think that most of it is fake, but I have this one dream of my own that sticks out above anything I’ve every dreamt. Here is the dream:
The dream starts out in the Amazon rain forest. I am rafting down a river and hunting crocodiles (or alligators, I don’t know which one lives in that part of the world). Suddenly I look over the side of the boat and a huge crocodile engulfs me in his mouth. Everything goes black. Suddenly I see a light, and I assume it’s the light to heaven that everyone sees when he or she is fading from life. I am drawn towards the light and as I get closer two large hands reach out and grab me. The light is blinding. I hear “It’s a Boy!” and wake up.
At first I, being a superstitious person, was terrified that this was an omen. But then I realized what the dream was actually about and felt at peace. I come from a catholic family and had accepted that religion. I lived in fear of God. Was I going to heaven, or was I going to hell? It was very stressful. However, the people I met though church services, were very friendly so it was actually feasible. But, since that day I no longer have fear of death. I know that there is a higher power that allows this event to occur but I have not idea what that is.
Maybe there really is a soul. Perhaps it lives forever and uses our bodies as homes. Maybe a woman gives birth to a home for a soul. When a baby emerges from its mother, it takes it first deep breath. Maybe it breathes in a soul whose body has passed and is looking for a new home.
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